About Podcasts

KTB Media LLC owner of www.killingthebreeze.com, The Killing The Breeze Podcast on ITunes, and KTB TV provides author affiliated news, information, media, opinion and commentary to men and women aged 25-54 whom are looking for a progressive, liberal, conservative and libertarian perspective on issues that affect all of us from those intimately involved in those issues academically, professionally or socially.
We live in a climate of reliance on the web for news, information and media especially from millenials whom are younger and more technologically savvy, and are rejecting both traditional outlets operations of “learn about it and then report on it” and those deemed “experts” by those same outlets.

As of 2012, there are 2.4 billion internet users around the world up 566% since the year 2000. 70% of internet users use it daily. 78% of North America uses the internet and 37% of the world uses the internet.
30% of Americans listen to podcasts. 17% listened to a podcast within the last month with slightly more than half of those listened to a podcast as opposed to watched a podcast, but they are more prone to watching both audio and video podcasts. 20% of smartphone users consume podcasts monthly, and half of monthly podcast consumers consume them weekly.

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